Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MN FastForward Prayer Guide

Jan 04   ::   Karen Krueger
Dr. Cindy Jacob prophesied on 11-11-11, that the United States is fast approaching her “tipping point” and in 2012 the United States government must make a major shift towards Righteousness.  To begin the shift as a nation intercessors have entered 21 days of prayer and fasting which began on January 2 and will go through January 22, 2012.  USRPN has put together a national prayer guide so that we can pray together for the upcoming elections, and some of our nation’s most pressing issues. 
PROPHETIC WORD released in Minnesota by Cindy Jacobs on Sept. 30th . . .
“What is the acronym for Minnesota?  MN!”
The Lord says, “That’s right!  MANY NATIONS!”
There is something else that MN represents – MY NATION!
The Lord says “This is MY NATION!” 
The Lord has declared from the Headwaters State that the United States of America is His nation. As intercessors we are challenged to stand in the confidence of that word and in this charge . . .
“Minnesota - Am I not calling you to be a tipping point?
Am I not giving you the anointing to make America MY NATION?”
As the USRPN/HAPN Coordinator for Minnesota I am calling the intercessors of this state to take a stand in confidence that the Lord has spoken and in the anointed power and authority of the Holy Spirit we declare the SHIFT in our government “to make America GOD’S NATION!”
(To read this full prophecy go to this link. - .TwT8UiOXTMw)
What is FastForward? – an entire year of prayer and fasting with the purpose of advancing our nation toward righteousness. Nehemiah 6:15-16, which tells of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, is the foundational scripture for this national prayer initiative.
So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.  Nehemiah 6:15-16
The USRPN, state by state, will engage in this year-long campaign of prayer and fasting to rebuild the walls of righteousness around our own hearts, around each state and around the nation. To accomplish this, we need to mobilize a well-informed army of those who will take a stand for righteousness and let their voiced be heard.  Those who will bear up this nation in prayer.
The USRPN launched FastForward on Monday, January 2, 2012 and it will end on Sunday, January 20, 2013.  This prayer and fasting assignment runs through the entire 2012 election cycle, the lame duck period and ends on Presidential Inauguration Day. The first phase of FastForward launched with a 21-day national call to prayer and fasting and then continues with 52 weeks of prayer and fasting, going state by state.
Minnesota dates to note:
Minnesota Precinct Caucuses – Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012
Minnesota Week of Prayer and Fasting – June 25, 2012
Minnesota Primaries – August 14, 2012
United States General Election – November 6, 2012
In this posting we are including an introduction to the Minnesota State Precinct Caucuses which will be held on Tuesday, February 7th.  This is a great opportunity to better understand the Caucus procedure and how you pray and possibly be involved.
What are precinct caucuses?
Minnesota precinct caucuses are public meetings of eligible voters from each precinct and are held every two years on the first Tuesday of February.  This is a time when citizens have the opportunity to discuss the various political candidates and party policies. 
Each of Minnesota’s major political parties: Republican, DFL and Independent have separate caucuses on the same night, in different locations within each of 4130 precincts in the state. These caucuses are the beginning of the process each of the parties use for choosing the candidates and issues they will support in the upcoming elections.
Go to the Minnesota Secretary of State website to read about Minnesota Precinct Caucuses
In order to find out where your Precinct’s Caucus will be held use this website - Caucus Finder:
(This website will be up and running on January 18th.)
Here is a link to the 2010 Precinct Maps in Minnesota.  Because of a redistricting that has taken place during 2011 – the 2012 Precinct Maps are not yet available.

Tuesday night February 7th Minnesota will hold our regular state prayer conference call at 9 p.m.  Plan to join this conference call so we can cover the results of the Minnesota Precinct Caucuses in prayer.  Call 605-475-4700 Code 529279#.
Prayer Points in preparing for the Minnesota Precinct Caucuses:
1. Pray that believers will be alert to the Feb. 7th date and attend their precinct caucuses to intercede and bring a voice of righteousness into the discussions.
2. Pray for the caucus discussions to bring all truth to the forefront.
3. Pray for all precinct officers to conduct the caucus meetings with integrity.
4. Pray for the will of the Father to be known
5. We prayHis Kingdom come,His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
6. Pray that God’s choice for delegates and alternates will be elected in every Minnesota Precinct.
Go the Minnesota Root 52 Prayer Guide for the History and Prophecy for the state.
Join the Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network Facebook Group for FastForward daily prayer updates. (You will need to have an active Facebook account to join this group.)
Join the FASTminnesota Team led by Kitty Shipshock with now nearly 100 intercessors fasting for Minnesota and the Nation since the fall of 2009. (You will need to have an active Facebook account to join this group.)
* Check back frequently to see updates to the FastForward prayer guide.

Prophecy for 2012 (Karen Krueger)

As we enter 2012 - Prophecy to the North, and to the South, the East and the West. Blow wind of the Spirit of God. Burn fire of God. Flow River of God. Breathe on us breath of God and fill us with life. Minnesota!! Be teaming with life. Region 8 be teaming with life. With clean hands and a pure heart ascend the hill of the Lord and stand. Rule and Reign with Christ over all the earth and its fullness thereof. Declare to the Gates in the North Central Region "Be open to the King of Glory! The Lord strong and mighty - the Lord mighty in battle."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Iowa Caucus

Iowa leads the nation into the caucus process this Tuesday evening.  Here is a video produced in Iowa, but worthy of every state to watch as we become educated, informed intercessors.  Please be praying for God's Kingdom Come and His Will to be Done in Iowa on Tuesday evening, January 3rd, 2012.

January 1st Conference Call

Did you miss the Call to the Wall conference call on January 1st?

For those who were not able to be on the call, you can listen to the recording by dialing 605-475-4799.  Access code will be 529279#.  Listen to the last recorded call.

Over 25 people and all six states represented!  Thank you Lord!