Friday, April 6, 2012

Chicago 50 - Passover to Pentecost


For 50 days between Passover and Pentecost James Nesbit of Prepare the Way Ministries and his team will be worshipping in Chicago in response to a call from the Lord to release it's eternal divine destiny. Their assignment is to remove the curse of being the most corrupt city in the nation to unlocking the giftings the Lord has given it of being an exhorter city which has the grace to proclaim to the earth, "THERE IS NO KING, BUT KING JESUS!" In a study done by the University of Illinois in Chicago, Department of Political Science and the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Chicago was found to be the most corrupt city in the nation and Illinois, the 3rd most corrupt state in the nation. Why have they earned this unfortunate title? Unlike other cities in America, Chicago has a generational gang connection with grandfathers, fathers and sons being members of the same gang.

The corruption among public officials has cost the city over 500 million dollars. The corruption has included: police brutality, bogus contracts, bribes, theft and ghost pay rolling, fraud, tax evasion, racketeering and extortion just to name a few. Between 1976 to 2010, 1531 public employees were convicted of public corruption. Since the 1970's, 4 of the 7 governors and 31 members of the chicago City Council have been convicted of corruption. No other state can match this. Since 1976, 1828 elected officials, appointees, government employees and private individuals have been convicted of public corruption.

On Monday, April 9th, we will once again join together as a nation of blood-redeemed intercessors as we lay the axe to the root of corruption. We will use this corrupt gate in the city of Chicago to deal with corruption throughout the nation. As one, we will address corruption by appropriating the blood-bought victory of the cross to release the light and sound of Yahweh into the structures of darkness that have ruled in and from Chicago. Intercession will begin on the 9th of April with Delaware, the first state in the nation and run for 50 days, ending with Hawaii on May 28th. Minnesota's day to carry the torch and lead the intercession is May 10th.

God has called James to gather the brass instruments to break the brass heavens over Chicago. He is calling for the army of brass instruments to come forth from every state and form the army of God that will release the sound of heaven and break through this brass heaven. They are believing for a Jubilee for the families held captive in this structure of darkness. Beginning on Monday evening, April 9th at 9:30 p.m. CDT, nightly Chicago 50 Prayer Conference Calls will begin for the 50 days of "divine occupation". Each night the fire baton of intercession will be passed to the next state. The book, "Declaration of Dependence - How to Heal our Nation Through Prayer" will be used for the daily intercession focus. This is the same book we used during the 51 Days of Reformation Intercession in the District of Christ and Philadelphia. It can be purchased by going to or by going to the Chicago 50 website, The phone number for the nightly calls is 760 569-7676, access code 989326#. When calling in, please remember to mute yourself when you are not speaking. (use star*6 to mute and unmute yourself.)

Sally Kassuelke
Southern Minnesota Quad Leader
National Prayer Initiatives - MN Coord.
Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network