Tuesday evening, March 6th, as I began to dial in to the Minnesota Prayer Network conference call I was reflecting on "Super Tuesday" and feeling a bit deflated and disinterested. I was puzzled by my lack of focus on the day that has gained so much public attention in the past week. Why was I not feeling impassioned to pray for the many primaries and caucuses that were taking place around the country. Both conservative and liberal agendas were launching their stab at promoting a frontrunner for the presidency as well as countless numbers of other offices that will find themselves on ballots on our November 6, 2012 election day. Wikipedia says that Super Tuesday typically represents a presidential candidate's first test of national electability. I envisioned people all around our nation positioned in front of their televisions, surfing the internet, sitting in sports bars and all watching the Super Tuesday results roll in. One night to idolize "Super Tuesday" as though the results would be the answer to our Nation's problems!
It reminded me of "Cyber Monday", "Black Tuesday", "Black Friday", "Fat Tuesday" and "Super Bowl". Days that have become "idolized" over the years for their historical significance. People in every walk of life putting all their focus on a single day with great expectancy and hope for an outcome that would be the answer to all our desires; great shopping, great eating, winning sports team, rising economy, great leaders.
On our call we prayed fervently for all the candidates, the primaries, the caucuses and for their provision, protection, integrity and a call to righteousness and holiness. I know that we are called to be those that bring these candidates, the parties they represent and the voters before the Lord in prayer and we accomplished that with all our hearts.
Then as we were praying the Lord immediately began to speak to my heart about "Super Tuesday" and reminded me that it grieved his heart to watch a nation turn to news reports for their answers. The reality is that people all over this nation were sitting before the "Super Tuesday" results rolling in as though they were worshipping at an altar. Whose altar is this?
The "Super" at the Lord's altar is the Holy Spirit and his Supernatural Power to bring the answer to every situation that we are concerned about in every area of our lives.
So on our Tuesday night conference call we came in repentance before the Lord for our Nation worshipping "Super Tuesday" and looking for the results of one day to show us the possible presidential results. We repented and asked forgiveness for the way that we are drawn by media to see things through the World View instead of running to the Lord and asking for his direction.
Thank you all who were praying that Tuesday night and seeking the Lord for 'His Kingdom come, His Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.'
Karen Krueger
March 8, 2012